You should Log in – into your account and then click on Go lotto – weekly lotto.

You will now observe a lotto coupon along with many choices. You will have to pay 3 dollars or 3 Euros or 3 CHF for each line played.

Fill your own lines

You should now fill your lotto line or can even fill up to 5 separate lines on your lotto coupon, which are 6 numbers along with an additional number.

Pull down the weeks-list on your coupon and specify the number of weeks. The default week is 1 but you can play even up to 50 weeks in advance. You can look at the revised total cost after you finish all changes inside the pull-down list. Next, click on play.

You will now enter the thank you page or the ticket confirmation.

As you know, playing lotto is completely based on chance. Whether you buy a lotto line that is randomly generated or choose your own set of “lucky numbers”, your chances of winning remain exactly the same. The only way to boost your chances of winning is to buy more coupons. I play on the same line every week but even if you play on random new lines every week the conditions of winning do not change.

The old-fashioned way to come up with a completely random line is to drop scraps of paper in a bowl and then “draw lots”. But all you now need to get an instantly generated random line online at the Plus-Lotto is to simply click a button on your mouse. You could also try system play where you would need to mathematically choose specific numbers on fewer coupons and increase your chances at winning, albeit only if those numbers go in. Readymade ones are available at Plus-Lotto at the click of a button. You need not fill up countless coupons manually and need not pay for this free lotto software too.

If you want the computer to choose your lines randomly then simply click your mouse on A, i.e. Automatic, on your line or even up to 5 separate lines in your coupon. Hence, 6 lotto numbers along with an extra number will randomly be generated on each line.

To choose the number of weeks, click on “Play those numbers for __ draws” when you pull down the week’s-list in the lotto coupon. The default is set at 1 week but you can choose up to 50 weeks in advance. After making all necessary changes in your pull-down list you will be able to observe the revised total cost.

Next, click on “Play” so as to reach the thank you page or the Ticket Confirmation page.

You can click on View my tickets if you want to have a look at your lotto coupons.

You can let the computer randomly generate your coupons from 2 to 100 coupons for a single week.

Make up your mind first on how much money you want to bet on and then click on Quick Pick that you have already played on. You can click on Quick Pick 2 or on any other choice up to Quick Pick 100 depending on the number of lines you want to bet on in the same week. The price will be displayed on the right side. You will now reach the Thank You or the Ticket Confirmation page.

In case you want to look at your lotto coupons you can just click on View my tickets.

You can allow the computer to generate random coupons; 1 to 500 coupons for 1 to 50 weeks. Click on Random Tickets and choose the number of lines that you want to play up to a maximum of 500. Use the pull-down menu to specify the number of weeks up to a maximum of 50 weeks (random tickets in next draws). You can check the cost by looking under Total Cost.

On each line, 6 lotto numbers along with 1 additional number will be randomly generated after which you will reach the Ticket Confirmation or Thank You page.

To look at your lotto coupons you should click on View my tickets.


You should click on More Ways to Play. A new page will open and you will be offered a chance to Extend Current Play. Go ahead to: WHEELED TICKETS.

You should now enter 7 of your chosen lotto numbers along with a bonus ball. Use the pull-down menu to select 1 week and you will now observe that it turns into a 7 line lotto system.

You will now have covered most of the numbers in various combinations in a manner that boosts your chance of winning your lotto game with the minimum number of coupons. Your costs are now lowered.

Once you add another number to make it 8 numbers, you will observe the system creating 28 lotto lines. When you add another to make it 9 numbers, the system creates 84 lotto lines.

If the page does not make automatic re-calculations, simply change between 1-2 weeks in the pull-down menu.

You should click on Play only after carefully choosing the correct number of balls and the desired weeks, and are convinced that you want to play the system as you will not be able to make any changes afterwards.

To go to Plus-Lotto, Click Here.